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Recent Books


by Marci D. Cottingham, University of Amsterdam

Tracing emotions across work, leisure, social media, and politics, Practical Feelings counters old myths and shows how emotions are practical resources for tackling individual and collective challenges. We do not usually think of our emotions as practical — often they are nuisances to overcome, momentary mysteries to solve, or fleeting sensations to savor before getting back to the business of living. But emotions interlace the practical elements of daily life. In Practical Feelings, Cottingham develops a theory of emotion as practical resources. By integrating the sociology of emotion with practice theory, Cottingham covers diverse areas of social life to show the range of an emotion practice approach and trace how emotions are put to use in divergent domains. Spanning work, leisure, digital interactions, and the political sphere, Cottingham portrays nurses,sports fans, social media users, and political actors in more complex, holistic ways. Practical Feelings provides the conceptual tools needed to examine emotions as effort, energy, and embodied resources that calibrate us to the social world.

Emotions and Belonging in Forced Migration

by Basem Mahmud, University of Granada, Spain

This book takes a sociology of emotions approach to gain a better understanding of the present situation of forced migration. It provides an insightful lens for those who want to know more about Syria and the Arab uprisings after 2010. It is the first study of what Syrians feel during the entirety of their difficult ordeal fleeing Syria, traversing different countries in the global South, and landing in Western ones. No other book treats this thematic focus with the same geographic and temporal breadth.

Refusing Death

by Nadia Y. Kim, Loyola Marymount University

The industrial-port belt of Los Angeles is home to eleven of the top twenty oil refineries in California, the largest ports in the country, and those "racist monuments" we call freeways. In this uncelebrated corner of "La La Land" through which most of America's goods transit, pollution is literally killing the residents. In response, a grassroots movement for environmental justice has grown, predominated by Asian and undocumented Latin@ immigrant women who are transforming our political landscape—yet we know very little about these change makers. In Refusing Death, Nadia Y. Kim tells their stories, finding that the women are influential because of their ability to remap politics, community, and citizenship in the face of the country's nativist racism and system of class injustice, defined not just by disproportionate environmental pollution but also by neglected schools, surveillance and deportation, and political marginalization. The women are highly conscious of how these harms are an assault on their bodies and emotions, and of their resulting reliance on a state they prefer to avoid and ignore. In spite of such challenges and contradictions, however, they have developed creative, unconventional, and loving ways to support and protect one another. They challenge the state's betrayal, demand respect, and, ultimately, refuse death.

Recent Articles

Abrutyn, Seth, and Jonathan H. Turner. 2022. The First Institutional Spheres in Human Societies: Evolution and Adaptations from Foraging to the Threshold of Modernity. Routledge.

Alston, Brandon. 2021. “Remembering Kobe Bryant as a Girl Dad: Race, Gender,and Reputation Repair.” Journal of African American Studies 25(2):208–29. doi:10.1007/s12111-021-09533-7.

Andreea, Nica. 2021. Reconceptualizing Emotional Capital and Intimacy Using a Sociological Lens: The Authentic Revolution. Emotions & Society (online): 1-21.

Aranda, Elizabeth, Rebecca Blackwell, and Alessandra Rosa. 2021. “‘Even If They Promise, You Know It Won’t Happen’: Ontological Insecurity from Overlapping Collective and Cultural Trauma.” Centro Journal 33(1):89–111.

Aranda, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Vaquera, and Heide Castañeda. 2021. “Shifting Roles in Families of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Recipients and Implications for the Transition to Adulthood.” Journal of Family Issues 42(9):2111–32. doi: 10.1177/0192513X20967977.

Barbee, Harry. 2022. “Harnessing Progress: Gender, Sexuality, and Positive Self-Perceptions of Aging in Midlife.” Journal of Aging Studies 61:101008. doi:10.1016/j.jaging.2022.101008.

Barrett, Anne E., and Harry Barbee. 2021. “The Subjective Life Course Framework: Integrating Life Course Sociology with Gerontological Perspectives on Subjective Aging.” Advances in Life Course Research 100448. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2021.100448.

Bergstrand, Kelly, and Christopher Robertson. 2022. “Threat and Emotions:Mobilizing and Attitudinal Outcomes of a Ballistic Missile Scare.” Social Problems 69(1):184–202.

Blackwell, Rebecca, Alessandra Rosa, and Elizabeth Aranda. 2021. “‘¿Nuestro Nuevo Hogar?’ [Our New Home?]: Examining Puerto Rican Migration andC onceptions of Home, Place-Making, and Belonging.” Women, Gender, and Families of Color 9(2):208–29. doi: 10.5406/23260947.9.2.06.

Boyle, Kaitlin M., and Kimberly B. Rogers. 2022. “Self-Sentiments and Depressive Symptoms: A Longitudinal Analysis.” American Behavioral Scientist 00027642211066031. doi: 10.1177/00027642211066031.

Brenner, Philip S., Jan E. Stets, and Richard T. Serpe. 2021. “Introduction: An Overview of Identities in Action.” Pp. 1–8 in Identities in Action: Developments in Identity Theory, Frontiers in Sociology and Social Research, edited by P. S. Brenner, J. E. Stets, and R. T. Serpe. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Canizales, Stephanie L. 2021. “Educational Meaning Making and Language Learning: Understanding the Educational Incorporation of Unaccompanied, Undocumented Latinx Youth Workers in the United States.” Sociology of Education 94(3):175–90. doi: 10.1177/0038040721996004.

Canizales, Stephanie L. 2021. “Work Primacy and the Social Incorporation of Unaccompanied, Undocumented Latinx Youth in the United States.” Social Forces soab152. doi: 10.1093/sf/soab152.

Chong, Kelly H., and Nadia Y. Kim. 2021. “‘The Model Man:’ Shifting Perceptions of Asian American Masculinity and the Renegotiation of a Racial Hierarchy of Desire.” Men and Masculinities.

Corcoran, Katie E., Christopher P. Scheitle, and Bernard D. DiGregorio. n.d.“Individuals’ Use of Religion in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic as Complementary to Their Use of Medically Recommended Responses.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion n/a(n/a). doi: 10.1111/jssr.12783.

Cottingham, Marci D., and Ariana Rose. 2022. “Tweeting Jokes, Tweeting Hope:Humor Practices during the 2014 Ebola Outbreak.” Health Communication0(0):1–10. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2022.2045059.

Cottingham, Marci D. and Jill A. Fisher. 2022. “Gendered Logics of Biomedical Research: Women in U.S. Phase I Clinical Trials.” Social Problems 69(2):492-509.

Culatta, Elizabeth, and Jody Clay-Warner. 2021. “Falling Behind and Feeling Bad: Unmet Expectations and Mental Health during the Transition to Adulthood.” Society and Mental Health 11(3):251–65. doi:10.1177/2156869321991892.

Culatta, Elizabeth, and Jody Clay-Warner. 2022. “‘I’m an Adult Now’: Health Risk Behaviors and Identifying as an Adult.” Journal of Health Psychology 13591053221086184. doi: 10.1177/13591053221086184.

Cullen, Francis T., Amanda Graham, Cheryl Lero Jonson, Justin T. Pickett, Melissa M. Sloan, and Murat Haner. 2021. “The Denier in Chief: Faith in Trump and Techniques of Neutralization in a Pandemic.” Deviant Behavior 0(0):1–23. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2021.1918035.

Doan, Long, and Matthew K. Grace. 2022. “Factors Affecting Public Opinion onthe Denial of Healthcare to Transgender Persons.” American Sociological Review 87(2):275–302. doi: 10.1177/00031224221082233.

Dowd, James, Arialle K. Crabtree, and Bryan C. Cann on. 2021. “Movies, Gender,and Social Change: The Hollywood Romance Film.” Journal of Gender Studies 0(0):1–14. doi: 10.1080/09589236.2021.1979479.

Drotning, Kelsey J., Long Doan, Liana C. Sayer, Jessica N. Fish, and R. Gordon Rinderknecht. 2022. “Not All Homes Are Safe: Family Violence Following the Onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Family Violence. doi:10.1007/s10896-022-00372-y.

DiGregorio, Bernard D., Katie E. Corcoran, Corey J. Colyer, and Rachel E. Stein. 2021. “‘When the Waves Roll High’: Religious Coping among the Amish and Mennonites during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Religions 12(9):678. doi: 10.3390/rel12090678.

Doan, Long, Rashawn Ray, Connor Powelson, Genesis Fuentes, Rebecca Shankman, Shaun Genter, and Jasmón Bailey. 2021. “Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Simulation Tool for Studying Bias in Police-Civilian Interactions.” Pp. 388–99 in Augmented Cognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by D. D. Schmorrow and C. M. Fidopiastis. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Fields, Jessica, Stephanie Johnson, Bex MacFife, Patricia Roach, and era steinfeld. 2021. “Embodied Engagements: Body Mapping in a Sociology of Sexuality Classroom.” Teaching Sociology 49(3):256–66.

Francis, Ara A. 2021. “Gender and Legitimacy in Personal Service Occupations: The Case of End-of-Life Doulas and Death Midwives.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography.

Gallagher, Mary, Kristen Marcussen, and Richard T. Serpe. 2022. “Multiple Identitiesand Sources of Reflected Appraisals in Identity Theory.” Social Psychology Quarterly 01902725221081798. doi: 10.1177/01902725221081798.

Golubović, Jelena. 2021. “Beyond Agency as Good: Complicity and Displacement after the Siege of Sarajevo.” Journal of Refugee Studies (feab096). doi: 10.1093/jrs/feab096.

Göksel, Nisa, and Jaimie Morse. 2022. “‘Legal Exhaustion’ and the Crisis ofHuman Rights: Tracing Legal Mobilization against Sexual Violence and Torture of Kurdish Women in State Custody in Turkey since the 1990s.” Journal of Human Rights 21(2):174–90. doi: 10.1080/14754835.2022.2030206.

Gross, Nora, Charlotte E. Jacobs, Rekha Marar, and Adam Lewis. 2022. “‘This School Is Too Diverse’: Fragile Feelings among White Boys at Elite Independent Schools.” Whiteness and Education 0(0):1–19. doi:10.1080/23793406.2022.2072758.

Grzanka, Patrick R. 2022. “The Ally Paradox.” in Introducing the New Sexuality Studies. Routledge.

Guo, Weirong, and Bin Xu. 2021. “Dignity in Red Envelopes: Disreputable Exchange and Cultural Reproduction of Inequality in Informal Medical Payment.” Social Psychology Quarterly.

Hammond, Michael. 2021. “Blues in the Trenches: John Jacob Niles’ Singing Soldiers.” in Colonial Encounters in a Time of Global Conflict, 1914–1918. Routledge.

Hachen, David, Cheng Wang, Brandon Sepulvado, and Omar Lizardo. 2022.“Generators or Diffusers? Examining Differences in the Dynamic Coupling of Context and Social Ties across Multiple Types of Foci.” Social Networks. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2022.02.004.

Haner, Murat, and Melissa M. Sloan. 2021. Theories of Terrorism: Contemporary Perspectives. Routledge.

Haner, Murat, Melissa M. Sloan, Justin T. Pickett, and Francis T. Cullen. 2021. “When Do Americans ‘See Something, Say Something’? Experimental Evidence on the Willingness to Report Terrorist Activity.” Justice Quarterly 0(0):1–25. doi: 10.1080/07418825.2021.1942162.

Hansen, Kristian Bondo, and Christian Borch. 2022. “Alternative Data andSentiment Analysis: Prospecting Non-Standard Data in Machine Learning-Driven Finance.” Big Data & Society 9(1):20539517211070700. doi:10.1177/20539517211070701.

Hoey, Jesse, Neil J. MacKinnon, and Tobias Schröder. 2021. “Denotative and Connotative Control of Uncertainty: A computational Dual-Process Model.”Journal of Judgment and Decision-Making 16: 505-550.

Hoffmann, Elizabeth A. 2022. “Moralizing the Law: Lactating Workers and theTransformation of Supervising Managers.” Law & Society Review 56(1):28–52.doi: 10.1111/lasr.12588.

Hegtvedt, Karen A., Cathryn Johnson, Ryan Gibson, Kate Hawks, and Jennifer L. Hayward. 2021. “Power and Procedure: Gaining Legitimacy in the Workplace.” Social Forces (soab103). doi: 10.1093/sf/soab103.

Howard, Lisa, Rachel Howell, and Lynn Jamieson. 2021. “(Re)Configuring Moral Boundaries of Intergenerational Justice: The UK Parent-Led Climate Movement.” Local Environment 0(0):1–16.

Joosse, Paul, and Dominik Zelinsky. 2022. “Berserk!: Anger and the Charismatic Populism of Donald Trump.” Critical Sociology (online first).doi: 10.1177/08969205211063131

Kan, Man-Yee, Muzhi Zhou, Daniela Veronica Negraia, Kamila Kolpashnikova, Ekaterina Hertog, Shohei Yoda, and Jiweon Jun. 2021a. “How Do Older Adults Spend Their Time? Gender Gaps and Educational Gradients in Time Use in East Asian and Western Countries.” Journal of Population Ageing.

Kan, Man-Yee, Muzhi Zhou, Daniela Veronica Negraia, Kamila Kolpashnikova, Ekaterina Hertog, Shohei Yoda, and Jiweon Jun. 2021b. “How Do Older Adults Spend Their Time? Gender Gaps and Educational Gradients in Time Use in East Asian and Western Countries.” Journal of Population Ageing.

Kaufman, Joanne M., and Christine M. Walsh. 2021. “The Effects of Adolescent and Early Adulthood Intimate Partner Violence on Adult Socioeconomic Well-Being.” The Sociological Quarterly 0(0):1–26.

Krause, Jens, Pawel Romanczuk, Emiel Cracco, William Arlidge, Anne Nassauer, and Marcel Brass. 2021. “Collective Rule-Breaking.” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 25(12):1082–95. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2021.08.003.

Kurz, Terri L., Suren Jayasuriya, Joshua Rego, Kelly Jackson, Kimberlee Swisher, John Mativo, Ramana Pidaparti, Dawn Robinson, and Cerenity Collins. 2021. “Changes in Middle School Teachers’ Thinking after Engaging in Professional Development Emphasizing Computer Vision.” Pp. 329–33 in. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Lizardo, Omar. n.d. “Culture, Cognition, and Internalization.” Sociological Forum.

Longmore, Monica A., Eric E. Sevareid, Wendy D. Manning, Peggy C. Giordano, William Clemens, and Heather Taylor. 2021. “Adolescents’ Frequency of Alcohol Use and Problems from Alcohol Abuse: Integrating Dating Partners with Parent and Peer Influences.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

MacKinnon, Neil J. and Jesse Hoey. 2021. “Operationalizing the Relation between Affect and Cognition with the Somatic Transform.” Emotion Review 13:245-256.

Magee, William, Michael R. Elliott, Marilyn Sinkewicz, Jessica Finlay, and Philippa Clarke. 2021. “Who Looks on the Bright Side? Optimistic and Pessimistic Perceptual-Response Reflexes over American Adulthood.” Advances in Life Course Research 100452. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2021.100452.

Maloney, Emily, and Lynn Smith-Lovin. 2021. “The Emotional Implications of Occupational Deference Structures.” Pp. 1–21 in Advances in Group Processes. Vol. 38, Advances in Group Processes, edited by S. R. Thye and E. J. Lawler. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Marcussen, Kristen, Katharine M. Gary, and Richard T. Serpe. 2021. “Meaning Matters: Measuring the Mental Illness Identity.” Social Science Research 100:102617. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2021.102617.

Markowski, Kelly L., and Richard T. Serpe. 2021. “Prominence–Salience Combinations and Self-Esteem: Do Magnitude and Congruity Matter?” Social Psychology Quarterly.

McCarthy, Barry, and Emily McCarthy. 2021. Couple Sexuality After 60: Intimate, Pleasurable, and Satisfying. New York: Routledge.

McCarthy, E. Doyle. 2021. “Interactionist Theories of Emotion.” The Oxford Handbook of Symbolic Interaction.

Meyer, Chase B., and Kaitlin M. Boyle. 2021. “The Intersection of Race and Party: Voter Perceptions and Candidate Selection in U.S. Senate Elections.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 0(0):1– 20. doi: 10.1080/17457289.2021.1962329.

Michalec, Barret and Frederic W. Hafferty. 2021. "Challenging the clinically-situated emotion-deficient version of empathy within medicine and medical education research." Soc Theory Health 1-19. doi: 10.1057/s41285-021-00174-0.

Nguyen, Kim Hanh, Jessica D. Fields, Anupama G. Cemballi, Riya Desai, Anjali Gopalan, Tessa Cruz, Aekta Shah, Antwi Akom, William Brown, Urmimala Sarkar, and Courtney Rees Lyles. 2021. “The Role of Community-Based Organizations in Improving Chronic Care for Safety-Net Populations.” The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 34(4):698–708. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2021.04.200591.

Oeur, Freeden Blume, and Saida Grundy. 2021. “Allyship in the Time of Aggrievement: The Case of Black Feminism and the New Black Masculinities.” in Black Feminist Sociology. Routledge.

Över, Defne. "From self-censorship to contention: Shame triggered participation in the 2013 Gezi Protests." Current Sociology (2021):00113921211012743.

Peräkylä, Anssi, Liisa Voutilainen, Maarit Lehtinen, and Mariel Wuolio. n.d. “From Engagement to Disengagement in a Psychiatric Assessment Process.” Symbolic Interaction.

Petts, Richard J., Trenton D. Mize, and Gayle Kaufman. 2021. “Organizational Policies, Workplace Culture, and Perceived Job Commitment of Mothers and Fathers Who Take Parental Leave.” Social Science Research 102651. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2021.102651.

Pérez, Raúl. 2022. The Souls of White Jokes: How Racist Humor Fuels White Supremacy. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Pierce, Kayla D. R. 2021. “Are They High Status or Just Assertive? Response Latency in Task Groups.” Pp. 99–118 in Advances in Group Processes. Vol. 38, Advances in Group Processes, edited by S. R. Thye and E. J. Lawler. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Polillo, Simone. 2022. “From Collateral to Money: Social Meaning, SecurityDevices and the Law in the Depersonalization of Monetary Relationships.”Journal of Cultural Economy 15(3):310–25. doi:10.1080/17530350.2022.2028654.

Quinn, Joseph M., Robert E. Freeland, Kimberly B. Rogers, Jesse Hoey, and Lynn Smith-Lovin. 2022. “How Cultural Meanings of Occupations in the U.S.Changed During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” American Behavioral Scientist doi:10.1177/00027642211066041.

Rifino, M. and K. Sugarman. 2022. "Loneliness through the lens of Black feminist love-politics: Pedagogical practices amid pandemic online learning." Journal for Multicultural Education 16(1):90-101.

Rinderknecht, R. Gordon, Long Doan, and Liana C. Sayer. 2021. “Loneliness Loves Company, Some More than Others: Social Ties, Form of Engagement, and Their Relation to Loneliness.” Social Problems.

Rogers, Kimberly B. 2021. “Separate and Unequal: Predicting Intergroup Behavior and Emotions from Social Identity Meanings.” Pp. 23–51 in Advances in Group Processes. Vol. 38, Advances in Group Processes, edited by S. R. Thye and E. J. Lawler. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Ruiz-Junco, Natalia. 2021. “Empathy, Intersubjectivity, and the Self.” Pp. 543–57 in Handbook of Classical Sociological Theory, Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research, edited by S. Abrutyn and O. Lizardo. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Salerno, John P., Long Doan, Liana C. Sayer, Kelsey J. Drotning, R. Gordon Rinderknecht, and Jessica N. Fish. 2021. “Changes in Mental Health and Well-Being Are Associated with Living Arrangements with Parents during COVID-19 among Sexual Minority Young Persons in the U.S.” Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. doi: 10.1037/sgd0000520.

Schein, Chelsea, and Kurt Gray. 2018. “The Theory of Dyadic Morality:Reinventing Moral Judgment by Redefining Harm.” Personality and Social Psychology Review 22(1):32–70. doi: 10.1177/1088868317698288.

Scheuerman, Heather L., and Shelley Keith. 2021. “Experiencing Shame: How Does Gender Affect the Interpersonal Dynamics of Restorative Justice?” Feminist Criminology.

Shank, Daniel B., and Alexander Burns. 2022. “How Does Employees’ Behavior Change How We Feel about Their Organization? Transfer of Affective Impressions between Employees and Organizations.” Social Science Research 102723. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2022.102723.

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Silver, Blake R., Freddy Lopez, Fanni Farago, and Tharuna Kalaivanan. 2021a. “Focused, Exploratory, or Vigilant: Reproduction, Mobility, and the Self-Narratives of Second-Generation Immigrant Youth.” Qualitative Sociology. doi: 10.1007/s11133-021-09489-w.

TenHouten, Warren D. 2021. “Basic Emotion Theory, Social Constructionism, and the Universal Ethogram.” Social Science Information 05390184211046481. doi: 10.1177/05390184211046481.

Thomas, Kaya, Araceli Magaña, Jennifer Rubio, Meredith Okwuedei, Ireashia Bennett, Adriana Brodyn, and Melissa Gilliam. 2021. “Image Collage From ‘Transmedia Collage: Histories of Violence and Futures of Health on Chicago’s South Side.’” Journal of Adolescent Health 69(6):1052–53.

Vanzella-Yang, Adam, and Seth Abrutyn. n.d. “Tastes, Emotions, and SocialCohesion: Toward a Cultural Theory of Social Exchange.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour n/a(n/a). doi: 10.1111/jtsb.12323.

Vaquera, Elizabeth, Heide Castañeda, and Elizabeth Aranda. 2022. “Legal and Ethnoracial Consciousness: Perceptions of Immigrant Media Narratives Among the Latino Undocumented 1.5 Generation.” American Behavioral Scientist doi:10.1177/00027642221083538.

Villarreal, Ana. 2021. “Domesticating Danger: Coping Codes and Symbolic Security amid Violent Organized Crime in Mexico.” Sociological Theory 07352751211054121. doi: 10.1177/07352751211054121.

Wang, Cheng, Stephen Mattingly, Jessica Payne, Omar Lizardo, and David S. Hachen. 2021. “The Impact of Social Networks on Sleep among a Cohort of College Students.” SSM - Population Health 16.

Wellman, James K., Katie E. Corcoran, and Kate J. Stockly. 2020. “Desire for Acceptance and Belonging.” in High on God. New York: Oxford University Press.

Wohl, Hannah. 2021. “Mapping Multivocality: How Critics Communicate Complex Meanings through Metaphor.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology. doi: 10.1057/s41290-021-00143-0.

Yazdiha, Hajar, and Courtney E. Boen. 2022. “‘It’s a Stomachache Filled with Stress’: Tracing the Uneven Spillover Effects of Racialized Police Violence Using Twitter Data.” Currents: Journal of Diversity Scholarship for Social Change 2(1).doi: 10.3998/ncidcurrents.1780.