ASA Emotions Section

Welcome to the Emotions Section

The ASA Section on Sociology of Emotions brings together social and behavioral scientists in order to promote the general development of the study of emotions through the exchange of ideas, theory, research, and teaching. Scholars from a variety of backgrounds are members of this section, and collectively encourage the study of emotions in everyday social life. Substantive topics of investigation include: the expression and experience of emotions, emotions in social interaction, identity and emotions, emotions in historical perspective, the cross-cultural study of emotions, emotions and violence, and the traditions of theory and research in the area of emotions.

The website for the ASA Section on Emotions seeks to serve the needs of section members and the greater American Sociological Association community. On these pages you will find information about the Section on Emotions, calls for papers, section awards, key publications in the area of emotions, and a link to the section newsletter. Please visit these pages regularly for updates and feel free to contact the site's webmaster, Justin Huft, or the section chair, Clare Stacey, for questions, suggestions, and comments. Enjoy!

Current Section Leadership

Current Chair:  Clare Stacey, Kent State University

Chair Elect:  Sarah Harkness, University of Iowa

Past Chair:  Gretchen Peterson, University of Memphis

Secretary Treasurer:  Chelsea Rae Kelly, Catholic University of America

Council Members
Kait Boyle, University of South Carolina

Laura Aufderheide Brashears, University of South Carolina

Ghassan Moussawi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Kylie Smith, University of Georgia